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Doing Something for the Common Good

2023 was the hottest year in recorded history. Scientists tell us it is likely the coolest year we will experience for the rest of our lives. As a grandfather of five children who will likely live into the 22nd century, that is very disturbing to me. What kind of world are we leaving our children and grandchildren?

Would you join a growing group of Christians who want to do something about this? C3 is reminding Christians, and people of all faith traditions, that God has placed us on the earth to take care of it. God’s initial commission to human beings was to tend the Garden of Eden. Even though the earth is NOT ours, we are to take care of it, as if it is ours. We call that stewardship.

Will you help us spread the word to a larger global audience?

C3 made tremendous progress in 2023, holding two conferences with leading Christian and scientific voices in Charlotte and Chapel Hill. We published our first VBS curriculum, receiving rave reviews from churches which used it. We also launched Christians Caring for Creation podcasts, sharing scientific knowledge along with practical stories from churches building solar farms on their properties. We received our first grant from the Baugh Foundation in Texas and welcomed a renewed commitment from Mike and Sandy Sigmon to support our C3 Sermon Challenge for another five years.

But it’s not enough. The window is closing on our ability to address the environmental crises of our times. Droughts, floods and famine are increasing in the future as the earth gets hotter and the global population grows. The Christian community must rally around these existential threats just like we have in the past when we started orphanages to care for children, or hospitals to care for the sick, or universities to liberate the minds of Africans and Europeans. We need more Christians to see what’s happening in the world and summon the energy to address these problems with the power of the Gospel. Jesus loved all the children in the world. We should do no less.

Will you consider making a contribution to C3 of $25 or $50 or $100 in 2023? Will you help us create more podcasts, provide more resources for churches, and summon the Christian community to be the leading caretakers of God’s creation?

C3 has two contributors who have combined to match any gift up to $3000.00 by year end. This is a way to double your contribution.

You can mail your tax-deductible check to our new address at 4336 Old Saybrook Court, Charlotte, NC 28211 or can click on this website link:

Your gift matters and helps us continue the sacred conversation about caring for God’s creation.

Thank you for loving what God loves.

Blessings and Peace to you,

C3 Board of Directors and Leaders

Matthew Bissette, Denise Filip, Rich Goodier, Mike Massar, Christian McIvor, Kim Shaw, Lea Slaton, Catherine Wright

Norman Wirzba, Theological Consultant, Duke Divinity School

Robert Davies, Scientific Consultant, Utah State University

Clark Hill, Podcast Engineer, Atlanta, Ga.

Lynn Odom, Newsletter Editor, Durham, NC

Don Gordon (CEO)

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