Have you ever thought about having a Creation Care Vacation Bible School (VBS)? Churchland Baptist Church in Chesapeake, Va did just that. Last week that averaged 70 kids a day learning about creation care through the arts and hands-on experiences. They created art using recycled and renewable materials, including bamboo cut fresh from the co-director's yard. They met a beekeeper as well as some of his bees. They made bee watering stations and planted marigolds. The children also met a wildlife rehabber and some of her beautiful owls, one of which is seen in the photo posted with this blog. Kim Miller, the Minister of Families and Social Media said, "It was a fun week and I hope the kids left knowing a little more about how amazing God's creation is and how we can honor God best when we take care of it!"
VBS is a unique opportunity to connect with kids in a special way. Perhaps, in the future, it can be a means to help kids connect God, faith and creation in one seamless experience of beauty, wonder, and the love of Christ.